Welcome to the Café World Catering Club

We help each other complete the catering jobs in Café World. Here's how.

Everybody who needs or wants to do a catering job starts it, then everyone else in the group adds them from the Help Friends tab. 

If we all do the same one or two jobs, we usually finish them in a day or so! 

You also have a group of Café World neighbors to ask for the assorted items you need with each job, who are pretty much guaranteed to respond. If you need 5 items, you only need to send 5 asks — you don't waste any you could use to ask for something else.

We only have a few rules
  • We all work on the same one or two catering orders at the same time. Otherwise, it gets confusing and somebody gets left behind.
  • Please do not join if you don't actively play Café World. 
  • You should be cooking every day or almost every day! 
  • We strongly recommend you not join until you are ready to do the catering jobs, which means you have been awarded your catering van. If you're close, however, go ahead and join and we can help you meet all the requirements to get the van. (How to start catering, from Zynga.)
  • We do not tolerate snag bars. If we suspect you are using one, expect questions. If we know you are using one, expect to be removed from the group.
  • We do not tolerate other forms of cheating either!

If you joined but no longer play Café World as often as you used to, please remove yourself from the group. Nobody's feelings will be hurt, but the rest of us need to know we shouldn't rely on you to answer requests for spoons, napkins, refrigerator parts, etc. You can always join again if your schedule opens up!
See our schedule for more details about what upcoming jobs.